#9 How To Identify Highly Scalable Products For Your Ads

#9 How To Identify Highly Scalable Products For Your Ads

Show Notes

You're running paid ads and that's great. But are you running them to the right products? You need to know because it has a huge impact on your bottom line. (Like, make-or-break impact!)

In this episode, I'll teach you How To Identify Highly Scalable Products For Your Ads.

I'll cover three main areas that you need to understand to help your ads to be effective and your business to thrive.

Here's what's on tap:

  • Not all products are created equal when it comes to paid advertising. Running ads to the wrong products can cause you to lose your shirt.
  • The Scalable Product Formula. I'll share the two variables that help you find the right products to advertise.- Three strategic steps. Follow these for a boost of new customers who will purchase more on the back end.
  • Don't miss this opportunity to make sure you're pushing traffic to your most profitable products.

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